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New Season, New Looks

by TheHeadshotAssistants
November 24, 2023 1:32AM UTC

Okay so the time has come to begin thinking realistcaly about next seasons goals. It's the end of April now, soon May and June will be done and then it's offical Fall Seasons is here. What do you have planned? Have you taken stock into what you were able to accomplish so far?

Vision boards aren't just for the kooks it really brings about a model for success as you start connecting your own dots. I hear many actors speak about not having luck when they are down and how much they worked for it while they are on the up. Do you see the pattern? Those that rely soley on luck have only one path if by chance, and those who reply on planned preperation can do something everyday working torward a goal, and with a bit of like luck maybe go just that much further.  

For right now I want to focus on Headshots, because without them you are _______. 

Do you have your goals? If you do; you will need them. If not; you will need them. 

What's My Look? Looks and Wardorbe Guide. Vote for the best

Goal Setting is Type Casting

Plain and simple if your goal is to play Batman I can't garuantee you won't play Batman and at Kids' Birthday Parties. With that in mind what roles do you want to play? What roles can you walk in and play now without grad physical transformation? Do you look comfortable in a suit or do you still look out of place? 

Playing a cop on television could be as simple as wearing a uniform and saying 'Over here.' But do you fill out the uniform like a TV Cop? How about your voice? Is it perfect ffor a comedy or do you sound like a cop? That will more or less depend on the show and the Casting the surrounds you. 

What about a Doctor? Does being a Doctor mean wearing a white lab coat and a blue background?  No, being a Doctor is not about the white lab coat.  It's about the Actor, but when I'm looking for a Doctor I'd first approach someone wearing a labcoat. 

What does this mean? Everyone who wears a labcoat is a Doctor? No, not even. But it does explain an visual biasis we all have within us and maybe you can exploit that within your Headshots. Here let's look at three 'Suit Shots', can you see how they are aimed at particular Casting Demographics? You probably don't know these Actors but who is the funny one? Who do you trust? Who could be a villian? Cant you see any particluar tones in the images that lend them better to certain shows or film genres?


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