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A Busy Actor’s Life

by RobinBlack
November 24, 2023 6:42AM UTC

Being or becoming a successful actor in Hollywood is much like getting a successful business up and running. In other words, before you are a Corporation, you are a Start-Up, and that makes all beginning actors a small business owner. Like all small business owners, you will be required to wear many hats.

Before you are successful enough to hire an agent, you will need to successfully land at least a few parts on your own and that may involve successfully negotiating some contracts as well. Before you are busy enough to need a manager, you will need to create the business (or busy-ness) for your manager to manage. Before you are wealthy enough to need an accountant, you will probably have to keep your own books and maybe even do your own taxes and before you are successful enough to hire your own stylists and hair & makeup artists, you will need to know how to do all of these things for yourself.

In addition to making the rounds between auditions, acting classes and social events that can help you meet the right people, most beginning actors also need to hold down some kind of day job or means of paying the bills. This means that working or not yet working, an actor’s life is incredibly busy. Anything that can help you streamline the process of constantly changing hats and help you manage and organize your busy and demanding schedule is a great thing. Here is ahat you need to manage your career more smoothly and efficiently until you can afford to hire others to run it for you.

As an Actor you need to:

  • Create and manage your very own website. With easy to use drag and drop designs, you don’t have to be a professional web designer or hire one to create a functional, useable website. But if you do happen to have more advanced skills, you can design a more advanced site using an advanced Website Builder. You can also choose your very own custom domain name to make any search for you a snap.
  • Create your own headshot gallery. Store anywhere from 5 to 25 headshots ready to send off at a moment’s notice. Your Profile page also allows you to quickly and easily customize your resume to send off with just the right headshot to get you noticed by all the right people. Your Profile page also allows you to share electronic business cards and gives you all the tools you need to run a virtual business on the go. Run into an important contact while you're out jogging and have nothing with you but your phone? No problem - you can quickly and easily send off a business card, headshot and resume before resuming your workout. 
  • Store all of your e-mail, contacts, calendar and sides all in one convenient, easy-to-use location. Get an e-mail from a casting agent with sides attached and immediately put it on your calendar and store the sides in the Sides Manager, ready to go for your audition.
  • Self-submissions and Virtual Auditions are a snap with the Slate! Send Self Tape feature that allows you to send off submissions in a snap. You can also store anywhere from 5-25 Reel Clips for Casting Agents and Talent Scouts that just want to see you in action.
  • You can design your own content and even create traditional mailers for .
  • A social media manager helps you create and maintain a busy online presence that will create far greater returns than just an IMDB score. For more tips and tricks on creating a Rock Star social media presence,  “Making Social Media Your B**ch”


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